Providing insightful, progressive solutions that differentiate companies and offer consumers what they desire in a clever and unexpected way.

Excited about opportunities in the cosmetics industry that take advantage of my cross-functional abilities.


An identified plan of differentiation that outlines the company’s path to success.

Know what your good at and determine where you can win. Identify your customer and build the story. Communicate to your target in a manner that rounds out the points of differentiation and the advantages your brand offers.

With experience in branding, rebranding, and strategy development for companies, corporate divisions, and product offerings, I can efficiently identify a distinctive strategy for your brand.


Innovation provides the fuel for continued success.

The process of innovation has changed. It is dynamic, fast, and essential for survival in a dramatically advancing marketplace. A company’s approach to innovation should flex and move with trend, technology, demand, and distribution. It should exist in every aspect of your business, forming a unique customer experience at every touchpoint.

Put my years of experience in creating award winning innovations to work for your company developing an efficient and profitable innovation program.


Deliver the plan, create the experience, sell the promise, measure the success, refine.

Your strategy is only as good as your execution. A successful sales strategy will focus on delivering the identified customer experience at each touchpoint, communicating and reinforcing the company’s points of difference and bringing the brand promise to life.

With years of sales and marketing expertise, I will execute the strategy and deliver the experience to the targeted customer, generating positive, measurable results year over year.